May 2011 median salary for Human Resources Specialists: $54,310; employment growth rate from 2010 to 2020 is forecast to be 21% (BLS).
Human Resources Specialist is the #25 ranked job in the 25 Best Jobs list for 2012 by U.S. News & World Report. Employees are the most important asset of just about all businesses. Human resources personnel help keep them happy, trained, and efficient.
Companies place a strong emphasis on human capital development, as well as the leadership initiatives developed by human resources professionals to deliver, develop, and retain employees. They’re regarded as the most vital and competitive factors in business.
Human Resources Managers are employed in just about every public and private sector. A bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in human resources management makes it much easier to enter the profession. Students learn about corporate headhunting, business coaching, contract negotiation, employment law, employee training, benefits analysis, and other subjects.
Human resources professionals help workplaces operate smoothly. Human resources professionals train personnel, manage evaluations, and oversee benefits. Large employers typically have specialists for specific areas, whereas in small companies a human resources professional may cover all areas of human resources.
Most human resources specialist positions require a bachelor’s degree in human resources, in business, or in a related field. Some human resources manager positions require only a bachelor’s degree in human resources or in business administration, but high-level jobs may require a master’s degree in human resources or in labor relations, or an MBA (see the following entry).