The Hebrew University of Jerusalem opened its doors less than a century ago (in 1925), with the backing of illustrious intellectuals like Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, and Sigmund Freud. Since then, it has quickly established itself as one of the world’s premier research universities.
The university serves 23,000 students from 70 countries. It has produced eight Nobel Prize Laureates, a Fields Medalist, and 263 Israel Prize winners.
The Hebrew University dominates higher education in Israel. The majority of the nation’s Ph.D. holders earned their degree here, and a third of Israel’s research grants go to scholars affiliated with the school. The Hebrew University has also developed an international presence, with dozens of exchange programs and partnerships with over 150 other universities.
The Hebrew University has many strengths, but has taken special advantage of Israel’s growing biotech industry. Israel in general, and the Hebrew University in particular, have become leading centers for the integration of biology and engineering.