


Friday, June 25, 2010

One of the Best Personal Finance Reads - "The Wealthy Barber"

One of the best personal finance books that I've ever read is the Wealthy Barber by David Chilton. The story starts with some friends looking for financial advice. They end up finding advice from a very unlikely source, their local barber. Their local barber is someone who is not expected to be wealthy but they soon find that he is very well off. The wealthy barber's finanacial status is not through an exceedingly high income but through extremely wise spending habits. I highly recommend spending the time to read this book. It covers a lot of personal finance topics such as life insurance, education funds and real estate.

One of the main messages of this book was to pay yourself first. This can be done by setting up a separate savings account that you will not access and putting aside a set amount of money every week or month into the account. It may be hard at first to stretch an already tight budget, but usually we spend what is within our grasp. Putting a set portion of funds aside on a systematic basis will divert funds that are available at your finger tips that you might spend impulsively and allows you to build wealth. It would be a good idea to start small i.e. $5 a week and slowly build it up as time goes by. When the money has accumulated into a significant amount it would be wise to invest it to accelerate its growth.

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