


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Inexpensive Getaway for Canada Day

Canada Day long weekend is coming up which is one of the greatest holidays of the year. For those of you who don't currently have plans, you might be trying to think of things to do that are inexpensive. There is no better way of spending Canada Day long weekend than experiencing what the great Canadian outdoors has to offer.

Camping is one of the most inexpensive vacation getaways. There are no expensive hotels necessary, just pitch a tent or sleep under the stars on a warm summer night. There is some camping equipment that is quite personal that you probably wouldn't want to buy used, but there is some equipment that presents opportunities for savings. Examples of equipment that you can purchase used would be a camp stove, lamps, canoe, water filtering devices, storage containers and camp chairs. Camping is a great way to get in touch with nature and bond with your family and friends. Get out there and get some fresh air in your lungs!
For more information about camping in Ontario visit this link:

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