Many universities try to study as wide a range of subjects as possible. Rockefeller University is different. More than any other school in the world’s top 100, Rockefeller specializes in bioscience and medical research.
The areas of biology that its departments focus on range from stem cells to neuroscience, and from biochemistry to structural biology.
Twenty-four Nobel Prizes have been connected to Rockefeller, as well as 21 Lasker Awards, 20 National Medals of Science, 16 members of the Institute of Medicine, 33 members or foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences, and 18 recipients of the Canadian Gairdner International Award.
What this university lacks in breadth it more than makes up for in depth. There are other schools that have faculties of comparable distinction spread out over all of their respective departments, but few schools can match Rockefeller University’s incredible concentration of talent within the frontiers of medical science.
The areas of biology that its departments focus on range from stem cells to neuroscience, and from biochemistry to structural biology.
Twenty-four Nobel Prizes have been connected to Rockefeller, as well as 21 Lasker Awards, 20 National Medals of Science, 16 members of the Institute of Medicine, 33 members or foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences, and 18 recipients of the Canadian Gairdner International Award.
What this university lacks in breadth it more than makes up for in depth. There are other schools that have faculties of comparable distinction spread out over all of their respective departments, but few schools can match Rockefeller University’s incredible concentration of talent within the frontiers of medical science.