Yes, you read the title correct. Your bank could be cheating you. The purpose of this article is to cover the blatant misselling of ULIP products as well as other services that banks are indulging in these days to cheat customers… To summarize the problem in one line, you visit the bank to get X service and they say you will get X only if you take Y as well, like a bundled package. This is wrong
Your Bank Could Be Cheating You
Yes, you read the title correct. Your bank could be cheating you. The purpose of this article is to cover the blatant misselling of ULIP products as well as other services that banks are indulging in these days to cheat customers… To summarize the problem in one line, you visit the bank to get X service and they say you will get X only if you take Y as well, like a bundled package. This is wrong