


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Free Books, Magazines, DVD's and Music CD's! Visit your local library today.

Ok they aren't exactly free. You do have to return borrowed material from the library. And yes your tax dollars are working hard to pay for this service. So why not take advantage of this great system. Why do we continue to shell out big bucks to, Indigo, Chapter, Coles and other book stores? Libraries are the greatest resource that any government can provide to its citizens. Usually all you need is to have proof that you live in the area. When I got my library card I had to show a utility bill with my name and address to show I was living in the area. The application process only takes a few minutes and after that you have access to unlimited free information and entertainment!

Some strange people have books on shelves like trophies. I find this a very strange phenomenon. Perhaps it's a way to boost one's ego when friends stop by. "Wow, Joe you sure do have a lot of books on that shelf...". One thing that really isn't necessary in our lives is storage space for books. We have enough consumer garbage filling our homes these days as it is. That's what's so great about libraries. You borrow some books you're interested in, read them and then return them so someone else can read it. Whoever came up with this system of book sharing is a genius!

Libraries now not only have books, they also have magazines, DVD's of popular movies, foreign films and music CD's. There is a small fine for overdue books so be sure to return them on time. The Waterloo Public Library ( ) is the one I go to and it's excellent because your account can be accessed online. This means you can always log into your account to see what material you've borrowed, the due date, and reserve other material that is in circulation. With online library accounts you can also renew any material instantly online in the comfort of your own home. Go to your local library as soon as possible and starting taking advantage of the greatest resource imaginable!

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